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Romans 1:16..."For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek".

Mar 27, 2011

Doctrine of Christ -VS- The Doctrine of Men

Everyone wants to know the Absolute Truth about many things. When people are faced with the Truth about God's word and how He wants us to live, only a hand full will accept it. So, what are these truth's that people will not accept? Here is a list of the top four:

1). There is only "One Church"— [Greek word ekklesia]— Christ is the Head (Eph. 1:22; Matt. 21:22), the Church is His Body (Eph. 4: 12-15), "Christians are members and a person cannot Be In Christ Without Being In the Church":

   a) One body, One Spirit, One Hope, One Faith, One Baptism—Ephesians 4: 4-6.
   b) The Churches of Christ—Romans 16:16
   c) Head Of The Church—Colossians 1:18 (cf. Ephesians1:21-23)
   d) I Will Build My Church—Matthew 16:18
   e) Purchased with His own precious blood—Acts 20:28; I Pet. 1:18-19.

2). Baptism—[Greek word baptizo] — An ordinance immediately instituted by Christ (Matthew 28:19, 20). If we have been baptized with a baptism other than the baptism of Christ, we must be re-baptized with the baptism of Christ to be saved if not, you will surely be condemned. One must;

    a) Hear The Word Of God Romans 10:17
    b) Believe in Christ Jesus Romans 10:9
    c) Repent of your Sins. Acts 2:38
    d) Confess Christ Jesus as the Son of the Living God. Romans 10:10
    e) Be Baptized; by Immersion, for the remission of your sins. Mark 16:16

3). Instrumental use in Worship—Yes, it’s true that Instrumental Music is not expressly forbidden in the New Testament “But”, we must not go beyond what the scriptures teach (2 John 9:11; I Cor. 4:6; Rev 22: 18, 19). Instrumental music is not wrong in and of itself. If that were true it would be wrong anywhere, “But” it is wrong to add it to Christian worship when God has not told us to use it.

4). Christian liberty means, freedom from the law and the rudiments of the world —Gal. 3:13; 4:3, 10.

5). It is not to be used as an occasion to the flesh —Gal. 5:13.

6). It is not to be exercised in any matter offensive to the conscience of a brother —1 Cor.10:28-11:1.

7). Instrumental Music is offensive to the conscience of many and has always been a source of division.

8). The End Times [Last days]

There is no Absolute Truth; are is there? Let’s find out what God has to say about this matter.  

1). Sad but true; they’re many people in the world that believes there is no Absolute Truth. Many individuals have this outlook that there is only Idealistic Truth and not Realistic. “Beliefs Relating to Theoretical Theories of Realism”. 

“Just as the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into all truth, so He will do the same for those who have given their live to Him through Immersion”—John 16:13.

    a) We must also obey the truth to be saved 1 Pet. 1:22; Rom. 2:8; Gal. 3:1 (cf. 2 Th. 1:8; Heb. 5:9; 12:2).
    b) We must obey the gospel of Christ 2 Thessalonians 1: 8 (cf. 2 Jn. 1:9; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Pet. 4:17).
    c) We must obey God's doctrine, not man's Romans 6: 17 (cf. 2 Jn. 1:9; 2 Tim. 3:16-17; Gal. 6:2).

2). Many individuals have supported the thoughts and ideas of this present age that, “There is No Absolute Truth”. So why do so many people what to ignore the Absolute Truth that comes from the one who give them Life and died for them?

a) Evil men resist the truth. They turn their ears away from the truth—2 Tim. 3:8; 4:4.
b) People who are untaught and unstable twist the Scriptures to their own destruction—2 Pet. 3:16.
c) They are not rightly dividing the word of truth—2 Timothy 2: 15.
d) People who are untaught and unstable twist the Scriptures to their own destruction—2 Pet. 3:16.

3). If one loves their wife / husband, will you not do the things that pleases, according to the doctrine of Christ, and not keep the truth from them?

4). If you love your Children, will you not keep them out of harm’s way know matter the cost? Same goes for the love we must have for Christ Jesus and His heavenly father. “What’s worth more than life it’s self”?    

 a)  Husbands must love their Wives as Christ loved the church (Christ Died for the church) and as they love themselves—Ephesians 5: 25- 29.
 b)  Women should love their husbands and children—Titus 2: 4.
 c) Fathers should not provoke their children, lest they become discouraged—Col. 3:21.
 d)  Fathers should not provoke their children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord—Ephesians 6:4.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this information. While some of the things the writer mentioned are good, his premise is wrong--namely, that we cannot have the true word of God today because we do not have any of the original manuscripts.

    The discipline called "textual criticism" knows this: while we do not have any of the original manuscripts (the oldest and best we have are copies made 250 years after the original writings of the New Testament), we do have as many as 5000 copies, some complete or nearly complete and other not so complete copies, and by carefully comparing them we have come up with what the original text was--only a small percentage of passages are in doubt and none of these contain doctrinal matters.

    Acts 2:38 is translated correctly in English versions and we do not have to wonder if baptism is "for the remission of sins." It is true that inspiration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit and translation is the work of men and no translation is beyond improvement, but by comparing the copies of the original manuscripts, we can be assured that we have the very word of God.

    Concerning the Old Testament, the Hebrew people considered the Hebrew Scriptures to be from God from the time of writing and they carefully preserved these writings so that we know we have the Old Testament as it was originally written.

    —Jay Lockhart
